The Mobile Electronics Certification Program

The first and only internationally recognized certification program dedicated to the verification and promotion of skills developed by automotive technicians in vehicle systems and in-vehicle electronics.

Your certification shows your employer, your colleagues, and your customers that you have the skill to work on complicated vehicle electronics, and that you are committed to your personal ongoing educational growth.

The Sky is the limit

Learn at your own pace!

Your subscription gives you access to the learning content for your subscribed level. If you have a Skilled or Expert level subscription, you also get access to the learning content for each level under it.

As you progress through the learning content, you will obtain eligibility to take the certification test for that level. This new progressive achievement will motivate you to chip away at the content at your own pace, and take advantage of the ability to learn whenever you have the opportunity.
Instant results

For your career

Gone are the days of carrying around thick books to read and memorize, and then scheduling a test that might require travel time or time away from work. Now your study material is available on any phone, tablet, laptop, or PC with Internet access, and you can verify your ID and take your test from wherever you are!

Your Portable ID access on any device shows your customer or a potential employer that you are progressing through training in important categories, or have achieved one or more certification levels.

Get certified at one or more of these levels!

Purchase a course today to start your certification journey.

Enhance your career, improve you skills, and gain greater knowledge to integrate aftermarket electronics into today's vehicles.