Handsfree Group Certification Exam
Author: HFG/MECP
Level: Technician
Exam Time: Up to 3 hours allowed.
Course overview
Handsfree Group has teamed up with The Mobile Electronics Certified Professional (MECP) program to create the first of its kind certification program, the Handsfree Group Certified Technician Program!
This test will validate the technician’s knowledge of the telematics industry, understanding of the core electronic principles that guide our work, and capability to follow the installation standards set forth by Handsfree Group and our partners.
This test will validate the technician’s knowledge of the telematics industry, understanding of the core electronic principles that guide our work, and capability to follow the installation standards set forth by Handsfree Group and our partners.
Estimated Exam Time: Up to 3 hours
ABOUT the Handsfree Group
We have worked with transport, logistics, fleet and emergency service clients since 2004, helping them improve the way their employees drive, communicate and promote safety. Our Alert and Install divisions are groundbreaking innovators in the design, development, manufacturing and supply of vehicle technology solutions.